Tiara M. Tucker Inspires Us to Proudly Wear Our Tiaras to Every Table!
We've all heard the popular terms when it comes to creating spaces for all women to thrive, exchange ideas and simply have a "seat at the table", but when it comes to creating our own space to flex our talent and resources, there's one woman that we love to follow and that's the inspiring Tiara M. Tucker! Not only is she a DPW Business Member, she's also a #WomanOfTheWeek, #40Under40 Honoree, #PR specialist, a supporter of local businesses and someone that empowers others to raise their voice on issues we should address as a community! In addition to juggling these great big responsibilities and goals, Tiara does everything with a smile!

Normally, at #DallasProfessionalWomen we like to celebrate all the "hats" our members wear, but we thought it would be fitting to talk about some of the "tiaras" that Tiara M. Tucker brings to the table!
So, before we jump into how you (yes you reading this article) can learn more, support, follow and connect with Tiara, let's talk about how Tiara is moving and shaking things up in her circles!
So go grab your very own tiara, place it on top of your head and get ready to get inspired!
So, what are some of the tiaras (roles) that Tiara M. Tucker proudly wears that inspires us? #ReadOn
#5: She Participated as a Power Panelist at #DallasStartUpWeek
Not only did she attend #dallasstartupweek on the beautiful campus of #SMU for the first time today, but I had the honor of being a #panelspeaker this morning for the event’s live virtual NAF Future Labs Ready Panel hosted by Capital One to discuss my experience as 1 of 10 2021 #smallbusinessowner mentors for 50 Dallas Independent School District High School Interns for the past 5 weeks! I’m just trusting God’s process along my journey in life… He will have us in rooms that the enemy would want us to think we don’t belong in… #DSW21 #TiaraPRNetwork #SpeakThatMovement #4: She Loves Her Community and is a Dedicated Volunteer for Local Non-Profits
Tiara actively serves as a volunteer and advocate. In 2020, she released a series of talks focusing on racial injustice and helped surface discussions between professionals regarding issues that all professionals should have on their radar. She facilitated talks, discussions and moderated using her PR platform. She also continued to support the Boys & Girls Club of Dallas along with feeding the homeless through The Source of Hope.
#3: She's an Advocate for All Women! If there's a women empowerment event or call to action to help empower other women, you can count on Tiara to support it! Ranging from supporting her sorority to being a proud Business Member for Dallas Professional Women, and also earning a nomination as 2020, Junior League of Collin County Women of Influence for her bold and courageous moves to continue to place women first - Tiara is all for it! Tiara is on a mission to equip & empower, and isn't shy about asking other women how she can support them! If you're looking for a voice to amplify your women empowerment goals - Tiara is your right hand!
#2: She's Empowers Women as a Bridge Builder Connecting Communities With her platform Tiara Public Relations (PR) Network, LLC is a communications boutique firm providing executive-level communications support and PR strategy for established professionals, organizations and high-profile projects. Her platform is dedicated to making a lasting impact to help PRomote, PRogress and PRotect their purpose, brands, reputation, lives, dreams, and goals. Her efforts have received positive participation and attention, as well as special mentions by local, national and international platforms. Tiara takes pride in the active role her platform genuinely plays in the community to speak up about social injustices and mental health, and the countless lives we reach with our efforts.
#1: She is the Founder of Speak That! Movement
In addition to being a professional providing best of class service to her customers, she is also the Founder of her own media company. Speak That! Movement curates signature networking events that create space for professional women to give voice to topics such as social justice and mental health that aren’t historically deemed work appropriate. Speak That! Movement is a safe place outside of the workplace where women feel empowered to confidently and boldly let their voices be heard. To learn more about these transformational, life-changing efforts, visit SpeakThatMovement.com.
Inspired? Ready to get connected? For all speaking & career opportunities, and Tiara PR Network & Speak That! Movement business & collaboration inquiries, please inbox or email TiaraMTuckerPR@gmail.com. You can also connect with Tiara through social media:
Websites: www.TiaraPRNetwork.com; www.SpeakThatMovement.com
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/tiaramtucker
Facebook: Tiara M. Tucker (https://www.facebook.com/DivastatingTi); www.facebook.com/speakthatmovement; www.facebook.com/TiaraPRNetwork
Instagram:@Tiarathetiara_empowers; @letsspeakthat; @tiaraprnetwork
Twitter: @TiaraMTucker; @letsspeakthat
Hashtags: #TiaraMTucker #TiaraPRNetwork #SpeakThatMovement #SpeakThatTalks
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Our Social Focus: Building Inclusive Environments + Ethical Journalism
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