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Writer's pictureZara Jones, #NextGen

Getting to Know DPW's Woman of the Week Kimberly Loveland

We had a chance to catch up with Kimberly Loveland; J.D., LL.M.

Board Certified in Estate Planning and Probate Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, wife, mother, business owner, and community-driven professional recently spotlighted as Dallas Professional Women's #WomanOfTheWeek honoree. In addition to wearing many hats, Kimberly also focuses on simplifying complex processes. As a professional, she is licensed to practice in Texas and Florida, and passionate about helping women pass down generational wealth by working with them to prepare for future decisions so that women can continue focusing on what matters - enjoying life!

Before we jump in about estate planning, let's get to know Kimberly! Before we get started, we want to challenge you to pause for a moment, and reflect on the 5 following questions:

  1. WHY do you work as hard as you do?

  2. WHY did you decide to use your time and talents in your area of expertise?

  3. WHY do you strive for your best?

  4. WHY do you like helping people in your profession?

  5. WHY do you continue doing what you do?

If you're wondering why we prompted you for this moment of's because studies have shown that our WHY is the driver and the North Star that guides us to live a fulfilling life. Understanding a person's WHY also helps you learn more about yourself and your personal growth. So as you're reading through Kimberly's WHY and getting to know her better, don't forget to reflect on your answers as well!

1. What are the best resources that have helped you along the way? Great mentors and friends.

Women who came before me who have been in my shoes, who taught me the nuances of estate planning and probate, and who are honest and open about the challenges and balance & friends who also are exceptional professionals who have concrete perspectives and advice.

2. How do you continue to learn in order to stay on top of things within your role?

I wake up reading and go to bed reading emails, books, news, advice, articles, continuing education. Anything I can get my hands on.

3. What time do you wake up in the morning?

5-6 am. I like the quiet and peaceful time before my day starts.

4. What would you tell your younger self if you were able to go back in time?

Don't worry about what others think of you. You do you. You can only control yourself.

5. Define happiness.

Contentment in the moment and being fully satisfied in all regards of things that are important to you. The definition of happiness is unique to you.

6. Is there anything in your career you regret?

No. Are there decisions I wish I would have made differently or different advice I wish I would have given? Sure. But I operate in a snapshot environment; so, time, place, and other factors are relevant at the moment when making judgment calls. Hindsight is 20/20. But I have learned valuable lessons through my mistakes and value each one of them.

7. If you could take 1 year off, what would you do?

Volunteer for an international non-profit. The reason why I love to travel is it opens your eyes. You see different worlds, perspectives, lifestyles, values, and definitions of wealth and poverty. And then all of your problems don't seem so insurmountable or important. I believe travel and volunteerism teach you gratitude and appreciation for life.

8. If you could have dinner with any world leader or influencer who would it be and why?

Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand. She became the world's youngest female head of government at age 37 and later became the world's second elected head of government to give birth while in office.

9. Do you believe women can have it all?

No. And not in a pessimistic way, in a realistic way. I worry that concept and thought inherently sets women up for failure. I believe it is a balance. Some days I'm a good mom, others I am a good attorney. Somedays I am both. Some days are failures. Give yourself grace and try harder tomorrow.

10. What is one thing you wish you learned to do, but haven't learned yet?

To learn French with my daughter. Children are such sponges, and I genuinely believe they should learn a second or third language when they are young.

11. What is one place you wish you visited, but haven't yet?


12. What sound or noise do you love?

The sound of ocean waves crashing against the shore. It brings peace and calm.

13. What are you most excited about at work right now?

Watching my practice grow. My mentality is that if I build it and take care of people, clients will want me as their attorney and see my value. It has been a joy to see my firm grow over the past year.

14. What keeps you up at night?

Same answer from #13! Watching my practice grow. I worry about my staff, finding the right balance, logistics, all sorts of things associated with business growing pains.

15. What is one thing as women we should learn to do better?

We are all just trying to survive and do our best. Be patient and give ourselves more grace. We are amazing creatures and can do it all. But I believe we spread ourselves too thin, get worn out, and our nature is to put ourselves last. So be more selfish with time for yourself. We can do more, be more, and provide more, only if we are at our best.

16. What do you look for in a friend?

Honesty, empathy, vulnerability, great listener, open-mindedness and being present. I try to offer the same in return.

17. How do you make decisions?

I sit and think while listening to my core and inner voice. I don't react on impulse or make hurried decisions. I will let a draft of an email sit in my inbox overnight before responding.

18. Favorite city in the world to visit?

Tokyo or Paris. Both are magical in their own way.

19. What do you love about your job?

Helping people through difficult times.

For more information on Kimberly's practice LOVELAND LAW FIRM, P.L.L.C. located in Frisco, Texas (6160 Warren Pkwy, Ste. 100) and how to connect:

You can also connect by visiting:

Instagram: @Lovelandlegal

LinkedIn: kloveland

Facebook: @lovelandlaw

Phone: (972) 418-2954

Loveland Law provides a refreshingly easy, streamlined approach to the process of Estate Planning and Trust & Estate Administration. Kimberley's team mission is to help prepare women to make smart, educated decisions that are tailored to their exact needs and goals.

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