Dr. Khannah Josué
Breakout Speaker • Workshops • Transformation Coach
Quick Bio:
Dr. Khannah Josué is an approved Relationship Education Coach/Counselor with "TWOGETHER IN TEXAS." With impressive five-star reviews, her reputation for exceptional service is well established.
Detailed Bio:
Dr. Khannah Josué is a Transformation Coach, Speaker, or Trainer. I’m truly excited about the possibility of partnering with you to bring impactful, life-changing content to you personally as your coach or to your audience.
With over 15 years of experience as a transformational coach, speaker, and teacher, I have had the privilege of helping individuals and teams unlock their potential, break through limitations, and step into greatness. My "Tools of Wisdom" approach blends proven strategies with life principles to engage, inspire, and transform minds.
By choosing me, you’re making a confident, value-driven decision to invest in the growth and success of your team, your audience, or your personal growth. Together, we can create an empowering experience that will leave a lasting impact.
Dr. Josué has been a John Maxwell Leadership Certified Coach and founding partner since 2011 and an alumna of the John Maxwell Mentorship Program. She is also a Certified Transformation and Brain Coach, a member of the National Speakers Association (NSA) Texas Chapter, Assistant Dean for the Charbonneau Academy, and a Speaker Circle facilitator with NSA. Additionally, she is a member of Dallas Professional Women (DPW).